Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Persepolis Final Reflection

After leaning over the edge of the cliff that was the finally of the first half of Persepolis, I thought that it was a good graphic novel. I enjoyed mixing things up a bit with the aspect of reading a graphic novel, and I thought that the panels added both humor to the sometimes dullness of writing from another culture and gave another take on the literal meaning of the text.In many cases the art was just as good as the writing, which is very important in a good graphic novel, and Satrapi accomplished that perfectly.  I definitely think that reading a graphic novel is a good thing to keep in the class because you never know if you will have to read one in the future, and I had never read one before this class. I thought that Persepolis was interesting in that it was a new type of book, and it also provided time for research and facts about a country that we don't really get to learn about. For these reasons, I feel that it is definitely a good book to keep in the curriculum. I just wish that we would've had time to read the entire book (but still at the same pace).

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