Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fun Facts About Iran

As a final blog post, I decided to continue researching Iran. This time I wanted to look up some more facts:
  • Serious:
    • "Iran" means "Land of the Aryans"
    • Iran ranks second in the world in natural gas and third in oil reserves (its capital city, Tehran, suffers from smog).
    • Iran has a literacy rate of 79% and a life expectancy of 69 years
    • Iran's Mausoleum of Maussollos was identified as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
  • Fun:
    • The Iranian flag has writing, making it irreversible.
    • Eastern Iran is mostly deserts, but the northern part of Iran is oddly covered by temperate rainforests.
    • Persian rugs are considered the best in the world.
    • Iran is one of 8 countries that start with the letter "I"
    • There is one telephone for every three Iranians and one mobile phone for every two. One in three Iranians are online.
    • There are at three Iranian English Dailies: Tehran Times, Iran Daily, and the Iran News.


  1. After reading this I had to look up America's literacy rate and its 99%, kind of hard to believe. Shows the difference between our countries, but makes it curious how Iran knows so much more about the United States and the majority of us know so little about Iran. Learning about Iran has certainly been interesting.

  2. Agreed. I knew very little about Islam and even less about the nation of Iran before we started looking at it, and it certainly has been very exciting to gain insight into this whole topic. Thanks for the facts, Steven! They were interesting, to say the least.

  3. These are very interesting facts. Iran is an important country because of their oil and natural gas supply. Also,it is pretty cool that they have one of the 7 wonders of the world. It makes me want to look up some more facts about Iran.

  4. I think that it is a shame of how little Americans know about other countries. I think that we as a whole need to be more informed about others around us because the world does not revolve around America. Those are some very interesting facts.
