Sunday, December 19, 2010

Different Viewpoints

In class we talked about how viewpoints can really change a story, especially if the narrator is unreliable like in The Catcher in the Rye. These unique changes in viewpoints can cause various emotions about characters -- like Bertha Mason in Jane Eyre and unique viewpoint changes can completely change how a story is told or what was originally thought about the setting and characters (although the plot stays the same). A few movies that I thing would be unique from another point of view would be the good vs. evil movies like Lord of the Rings, where the movie would be completely different if it were from the view of Sauron, Saruman, Gollum, or even from the view of the ring itself. Other movies that would be cool and completely different from another point of view would be ones with a deranged criminal like No Country for Old Men or The Incredibles. Where people can see inside the troubled, seemingly unemotional mind of the killer, Anton Chigurh, or from the viewpoint of the criminal as it is depicted a little in The Incredibles. I feel that changes like this would be cool to watch and would completely change how this movies are thought about, and maybe even affect their popularity for better or worse (although movies from a good viewpoint are more popular).

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